[PODCAST_OUT NOW!!!] Green Talk EP04: Economy and Energy

📻 [PODCAST_OUT NOW!!!] 🎧Green Talk EP04: Economy and Energy 💰
📊 Welcome to Green Talk series Ep04!
👩🏻‍🏫 Today guest is Ms Nguyen Tra Ngoc Vy, faculty of Economic, Quy Nhon University. She is a lecturer with many years of experience in study about Sustainable Economy. 
💚 Continuing the series on Renewable Energy and Net zero/Zero carbon, in this podcast episode we will share about the connection between Economy and Energy, in which there are 3 keywords that we will discuss and clarify in this talk: Green Finance, Energy Transition in Enterprises and ESG

🥰 Let’s listen to this week’s podcast to relax after a week of work and update different perspectives on this interesting topic!

The Green talk podcast series is a product of the Research and Proposal to Implement the Pilot Program to Integrate Renewable Energy and Net Zero / Zero Carbon Content into University and College Education by the Center for Development of Community and Environmental Initiatives (𝑪&𝑬).