We would like to let you know that the website of our project “The inspiration of You” is up and running! https://www.linkvolunteers.org/
The website was developed within the project The Inspiration of You which aimed to strengthen volunteering among young people in partner countries by providing high-quality education, training, and exchange programs.
What is this website for?
www.linkvolunteers.org aims to foster direct access to volunteer management processes by youngsters, youth operators, and organizations all over the world.
- Learning resources for young people and organizations about Youth Volunteer Management processes on topics such as: Planning for Volunteer Involvement, Volunteer Recruitment, and Selection, Day-to-Day Management of Volunteers, Train the volunteer;
- Events, trainings and other opportunities on youth volunteer management process for youth professionals;
- Events, trainings and other opportunities for young volunteers offered by worldwide organizations.
- Whether you are an organization or a volunteer, browse to our learning resources articles to find out more about volunteering;
- If you are a volunteer, use our search tool to find opportunities in your area and engage with organizations worldwide;
- If you are an organization, you can create an account, post your event and use this website as an additional tool to promote your volunteering events and engage with young people worldwide;
- Share with us your experience and journey as a volunteer.
Please visit the website and register and post events on our platform. We invite you to access the following registration link https://www.linkvolunteers.org/sign-up/